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This post has been migrated, original date 07 Oct 2009 You might have found that the Sitecore RSS Module for version 5.x of Sitecore (I am not sure about version 6) does not allow you to change the fields used for the feed items title and description without loosing the title and description for the whole feed. This is caused because the module actually uses the values entered to get both the item title and description fields as well as the feed title and title and description. To correct this:
  1. Download the latest source from
  2. Open the solution in the /branches/Sitecore5 directory
  3. Open the file Feed.cs
  4. Find the lines (roughly line 199):
          /// Feed title
          public string Title
                return this[TitleField];
          /// Feed description
          public string Description
                return this[DescriptionField];
  5. Update with:
          /// Feed title
          public string Title
                return this["Title"];
          /// Feed description
          public string Description
                return this["Text"];
  6. Build and deploy