In has taken a lot of hard work and several months to complete Version 5 of Glass.Mapper.Sc but finally last night I was able to push the release to!

I am not sure if how many hours we spent tweaking the new API but we are really pleased with the result and we think it will bring a lot of benefit to Sitecore developers.

In a previous blog post we detailed the major changes that are in this version V5 Is Coming and over the next few weeks we will release more blog post one what these changes mean. 

The first major change to be aware of is the change in Nuget package names. The new nuget packages are all prefixed with Glass.Mapper.Sc.{version} where version is the number of the Sitecore version you are using. For example if you are using Sitecore 9 then this number would be 90, for Sitecore 8.1 it would be 81.


More information on the Nuget package changes can be found on the Download page.


Information on the specific changes in V5 can be found on UpgradingToV5


Online Training

Along with the release of Version 5 we have also released a self paced online Training Course.

The first 20 signups will receive a discount using the code BETHEFIRST.

By taking the course will learn about the best ORM for Sitecore and help to support the continuing maintenance and development of the Glass.Mapper.Sc framework.

To find out more checkout the preview lectures which are available for free.

Enroll  Today

Glass needs your support!

Glass.Mappper.Sc is supported by the generous donations of the Glass.Mapper.Sc community! Their donations help fund the time, effort and hosting for the project.

These supporters are AMAZING and a huge thank you to all of you. You can find our list of supporters on the Rockstars page.

If you use Glass.Mapper.Sc and find it useful please consider supporting the project. Not only will you help the project but you could also get a discount on the Glass.Mapper.Sc training and join the Rockstars page.

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